Manage: View / edit tasks

, by DnC

See the list of tasks

Go to Manage : View / edit tasks:

The table has 5 columns:

 No: a number assigned to the task by the system, cannot be changed.

 Status: an icon representing the status of the task:

  • blank: "en cours de rédaction" (editing in progress): the task is not executed, it is kept in memory.
  • green: "publié en ligne" (published online): the task is being executed,
  • black: "à la poubelle" (to the dustbin): the task will be destroyed by the system.

 Date: the date of creation of the task, not modifiable.

 A column containing two links:

  • View / edit: displays the presentation and / or edit form of the task,
  • Delete: Delete the task immediately. Unlike the status "in the trash", this action causes the erasure of all data relating to the task.

Change the status of a task

Place the mouse over the status icon and select the desired status:

Only tasks with "publié en ligne" (published online) status are taken into account for the limitation of the maximum number of tasks authorized by the subscription.
You can therefore set aside a task by assigning it the status "in progress". You can thus create an unlimited number of tasks.

Edit a task

When you click on the "View / edit" link, the task editing form appears (it is identical to the creation form):

Title: A title of your choice. Write a short, meaningful title. The title is mandatory and can be changed at any time.

Request: the request sent. As a first approach, consider that it is the address of a site or a hypertext page on the Internet (a URL). You must specify the URL scheme (http://, https://). You can specify a full URL, with path and request.
Examples of valid URLs:

Rules: Response expected. See: Règles de surveillance HTTP.
By default, NSS applies a standard rule set. So you can leave this field blank, in most cases this is enough to ensure that a website is working.

Error level: When the error level is not defined by the rule, defines the level of the generated error. Value from 0 to 7, default = 4. The level of the error conditions the transmission of a notification in the event of a task error. See: Manage notifications.
Note that the error level can be defined rule by rule, the level assigned to the task then being the default value.

Status of the task:
Select the status "published online" to activate the task.